Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I've tried many recipes on making Chinese bread.  I think I like 低溫發酵法 the most.  Before I liked 湯種 the best.  低溫發酵法 is to let the dough rise slowly in low temperature.  I usually leave the dough in the refrigerator for at least a day.

I used the recipe on this website .
It makes about 20 bread (each weighs about 60 grams).

  • bread flour 620 grams
  • milk powder 25 grams
  • sugar 125 grams
  • honey 20 grams
  • salt 6.5 grams
  • yeast 12 grams (I doubled it since I'm using active yeast instead of instant yeast)
  • 1 egg weighs about 50 grams
  • 1 yolk weighs about 25 grams
  • water 260 - 270 grams
  • butter 70 grams


  1. put everything in the mixer except butter
  2. *you can save a little bit of water since egg can be smaller or bigger than 50 grams, you can add more water if the dough is too dry
  3. after all the ingredients are mixed well about 3-5 minutes, you can slowly add the butter
  4. mixed the dough until the dough is stretched up to a thin film without breaking it
  5. form the dough into a ball and add little bit of oil around it
  6. put the dough in a plastic bag and make sure let all the air out and tighten the plastic bag
  7. leave the dough in the refrigerator for at least a day
  8. when you are ready to make bread, take the dough out and leave it alone until it reaches to room temperature
  9. after that you can deflate the dough, divide the dough into 60 grams (I spread water on the dough and leave it in the oven), form ball shape and leave it alone for 15 minutes
  10. shape bread and leave it alone for 60 minutes
  11. brush egg wash on bread
  12. bake in preheated 338 degree F oven for 18-20 minutes

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