Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I followed patterns from this page .

HEAD (using buff):
Rnd 1: 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (12)
Rnd 3: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc around (18)
Rnd 4: sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (24)
Rnd 5: sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (30)
Rnd 6: sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (36)
Rnd 7-12: sc in each sc around (36)
Rnd 13: sc in next 4 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (30)
Rnd 14: sc in next 3 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (24)
Begin stuffing at this point if you haven't already. Stuff head firmly while shaping as you go along.
Rnd 15: sc in next 2 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (18)
Rnd 16: sc in next sc, dec over next 2 sc around (12)
Rnd 17: dec over next 2 sc around (6)
F/O, leave a tail for closing. Add any bits of stuffing needed to finish shaping the head nicely. Weave tail through the final row and draw up tight to close. Secure and weave in ends.

NOSE (using buff):
Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (12)
Rnd 3: sc in each sc around (12)
Rnd 4: dec over next 2 sc around (6)
F/O weave in tail. Stuff and shape.

EARS (using buff make 2):
Rnd 1: 3 sc in magic ring (do not join, do not ch 1) turn. (3)
Rnd 2: 3 sc in first sc, 2 sc in remaining 2 sc. Do not ch 1, turn (7)
Rnd 3: sl st in each sc across (7)
F/O and tie the 2 ends together creating a slight curve (ear shape)

MUSTACHE (using brown):
Ch 7, slip stitch in 2nd ch from hook.
Ch 5, slip stitch in next ch
Ch 4, slip stitch in next ch
Ch 3, slip stitch in next ch
Ch 3, slip stitch in next ch
Ch 4, slip stitch in next ch
Ch 5, slip stich in last ch.
F/O weave in ends.

BODY (starting with blue):
Rnd 1: 8 sc in Magic Ring (8)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 3: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc around (24)
Rnd 4: sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (32)
Rnd 5: sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (40)
Rnd 6-14: sc in each sc around (40)
Rnd 15: sc in next 3 sc, dec over next 2 sc around. In last stitch, change to red yarn (32)
Rnd 16: sc in each sc around (32)
Rnd 17: sc in next 2 sc, dec over next 2 sc, (24)
Rnd 18-21: sc in each sc around (24)
Rnd 22: sc in next 2 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (18)
Rnd 23: sc in each sc around (18)
Stuff and shape body firmly. Leave neck opening open.

HANDS/ARMS (starting with white) (with thumb):
Rnd 1: 8 sc in Magic Ring (8)
Rnd 2: sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc (10)
Rnd 3-4: sc in each sc around (10)
Rnd 5: sc in next 5 sc, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 2 chs. sc in next 5 sc (10 sc and one 'thumb')
Rnd 6: sc in each sc around (hold 'thumb' down in the front of work and sc behind it) (10)
Rnd 7: sc in next 3 sc, dec over next 2 sc (8)
Rnd 8: (working in front loops only for this round) sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc around (12)
F/O white.
Attach red yarn to any of the 'free loops' inside of last round of stitches in hand.
Rnd 9: sc in next 3 free loops, 2 sc in next free loop, sc in next 3 free loops, 2 sc in last free loop (10)
Rnd 10-16: sc in each sc around (10)
Stuff arm moderately firm (leave hand unstuffed, but add stuffing in 'wrist' area and up to shoulder) Flatten the end matching up stitches and sc through all layers to close (5 sc across)
F/O weave in ends.

SUSPENDERS (using blue):
Row 1: ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook and last ch (2)
Row 2-28: sc in both sc (do not ch 2 to turn, it makes for a straighter edge) (2)
F/O Weave in ends.

Legs (using blue, make 2):
Rnd 1: 8 sc in magic ring (8)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 3: (working in back loops only for this round) sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 4-8: sc in each sc around. (16)
F/O stuff firmly and shape them both evenly. Don't close the open end.

Feet (using brown, make 2):
Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (12)
Rnd 3: sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in last sc (14)
Rnd 4-10: sc in each sc around (14)
Rnd 11: dec over next 2 sc around (7)
F/O stuff *lightly* and shape as desired. Weave end through final round and pull to close. Secure and weave in ends. Sew feet/shoes to 'closed' end of leg as shown (open end is attached to the body)

HAT (using red):
Rnd 1: 8 sc in Magic Ring (8)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (16)
Rnd 3: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc around (24)
Rnd 4: sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (32)
Rnd 5: sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (40)
Rnd 6: sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (48)
Rnd 7: sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc around (54)
Rnd 8: sc in each sc around (54)
Rnd 9: sc in next 4 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (45)
Rnd 10: sc in each sc around (45)
Rnd 11: sc in next 3 sc, dec over next 2 sc around (36)
Rnd 12: sc in next 25 sc, leave remaining 11 stitches unworked. The 25 stitches will become the 'front' of the hat which is a little higher than the back of the hat. F/O (weave in end)
Rnd 13: Attach yarn to center (stitch number 6) of the unworked stitches of the round 11 (not the last 25 sc you worked) and then sc in each sc around. When you reach the section with the 25 sc from round 12, just continue to sc in each one the same as working in unjoined rounds. When you reach the last of the 25 sc, simply continue on to the sc from round 11. (36)
Rnd 14: sc in each sc around (36)
F/O and weave in ends.

Brim/bill of hat:
Row 1: Beginning from joining stitch of final round, count 12 stitches over, attach yarn in 13th sc, ch 1 and sc in same stitch as joining. sc in next 11 sc, turn (12)
Row 2: (working in front loops only for this row only), sc in each sc across (12)
Row 3-6: sc in each sc across (12)
Row 7: dec over first 2 sc, sc in remaining sc across to the last two sc, dec over the last 2 sc (10)
Do not turn.

Ch 1. slip stitch evenly around brim (one sc in end of each row for the sides). When you reach the corner where the brim meets the hat, put 2 sc in that corner and resume slip stitching in each st around until you reach the starting point. Join to first sl st and f/o. weave in ends

HAT LOGO (using white):
Rnd 1: 8 sc in magic ring (8)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (16)
F/O weave in ends.

SIDE BURNS (using brown, make 2):
Row 1: Ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next ch (2)
Row 2: sc in both sc (2)
Row 3: skip first sc, sc in last sc (1)
F/O weave in ends.

HAIR (using brown):
Row 1: ch 15, sc in 2nd ch from hook, ch 3, * sc in next ch, ch 3 * (repeat from * to * to end of chain) end with sc in last ch.

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