Thursday, August 7, 2014

Birthday Party 2014

We celebrated Ethan, Wyatt, and Justin's birthdays together this year. I tried my best to do everything ( I didn't sleep @_@ ) . If I had more time, I'd make more stuffs (more details). I think kids had fun, at least my kids hehe. 媽咪很用心的在幫兒子們做一些party的東西。媽咪整夜沒有睡。如果我有更多的時間,我還會做多一點東西。我覺得小孩子們 都玩的很開心,至少我的小孩都很 ^__^

I like the way my Minion piñata looks. I guess I made my piñata pretty strong. Kids had hard time breaking it. Grandpa had cheat a little, he used his hands to break it a little. It took awhile to do the cupcake toppers because I had to keep adjusting the size. I created the mini-candy wrappers and napkin holders too.

Sorry, some pictures were blurry. I don't know what the camera was focusing on lol

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